Recently I obtained a new skillset and learned the SQL language through the database management system, MySQL, and decided to conduct a fun simple project.
The codes I used for this project is in this link: –
I created a database named, "bank."
Then I created several tables within the database: account, branch, loan, borrower, depositor, and employee. I then inputted random data into each table using the data type: char and varchar.
Here are the main codes used to conduct this project:
(1) start the CLI
mysql-ctl cli;
(2) General command to create database
CREATE DATABASE <database_name>;
(3) check if database is created
SHOW databases;
(4) use database to create table within
USE <database name>;
(5) create table in the selected database
CREATE TABLE tablename (column_name data_type, column_name data_type);
(ex) In the database banking system I created
CREATE TABLE branch (branch_name varchar(10) not null primary key, branch_city varchar(10), assets double);
(6) Insert data into table
INSERT INTO cats(name, age) VALUES ('ERICA', 2);